Nilai akreditasi BAN PT Program Studi S3 Kimia FMIPA UGM sudah keluar. Program Studi S3 Kimia FMIPA UGM terakreditasi ‘A‘ (sangat baik) dengan masa berlaku akreditasi 3 September 2015-3 September 2020. Selamat dan sukses kepada seluruh sivitas akademika (dosen dan mahasiswa) dan tenaga kependidikan program Studi S3 Kimia FMIPA UGM dan Departemen Kimia FMIPA UGM. Terima kasih kepada tim akreditasi Program Studi S3 Kimia. Semoga para dosen dan mahasiswa terus berkarya dan terus memberikan kontribusinya bagi kemajuan ilmu kimia di Indonesia dan dunia.
The national accreditation (BAN PT) score of the Chemistry Ph.D. Program UGM had been released. The Chemistry Ph.D. Program is accredited ‘A’ (Excellent) with a validity period of accreditation from 3 September 2015-3 September 2020. Congratulations and good luck to the entire academic community (faculty and students) and education personnel of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Department of Chemistry. Many thanks to the accreditation team of the Chemistry Ph.D. Program. The lecturers and students are expected to continue to work and to contribute to the advancement of the chemical sciences in Indonesia and the world. Cheers