Selamat kepada 4 mahasiswa program pasca sarjana kimia berikut yang direkomendasikan oleh Program Studi Magister Kimia FMIPA UGM pada seleksi awal PARE Program Summer School 2022 :
1. Ady Yulianto
2. Maharani Ciptaningrum
3. Raymendo Estomihi Sinaga
4. Frika Rahmawari
Mahasiswa yang direkomendasikan oleh Program Studi Magister Kimia FMIPA UGM selanjutnya dapat melengkapi application form dan persyaratan yang diperlukan untuk kemudian submit ke Program PARE sebelum batas waktu yang telah ditentukan.
Now Hokkaido Summer Institute 2022 website is open and it’s time for application. PARE Summer School will be enrolled in a scheme of Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI 2022), same as HSI 2021 held last summer, PARE Summer School was held online though.
Through HSI, applicants will get benefit from easier access to visa application and to booking dormitory. As mentioned below, we are planning to offer scholarship to 4 candidates per each consortium university.
*Please note that the style of the school will be changed to online, depending on the situation of COVID-19