Akreditasi Prodi Magister Kimia UGM oleh BAN PT dengan predikat A berlaku 13 Desember 2020 sampai dengan 13 Desember 2025. Akreditasi Prodi Doktor Kimia UGM oleh BAN PT dengan predikat A berlaku 20 September 2020 sampai dengan 20 September 2025. Demikian harap para relasi dan sivitas akademika maklum.
Call for Application
PARE Online Spring School 2021 will be held this year.
As the COVID -19 infection rate has still been high, we have decided to run the school with a small group of HU students (physical attendance) in Sapporo and hopefully some PARE consortium university students(online attendance) in Thailand/Indonesia for a week (March 1,2021-March 6,2021).
The lectures will be delivered via both real time online session and on demand. VR will be used for some parts so this will be a new experience for the program and participants as well.
This program is open to all Master students, faculty members, researchers, or graduates from your
university who passionately wish to enroll and continue their studies in the NAIST doctoral program.
Unlike the usual year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year, we will have a document screening
and online interview test first. Successful applicants can participate in the online discussion program and
will have a chance to become a candidate for the MEXT Scholarship University Recommendation.
Based on submitted documents and interview, we will confirm their suitability for the NAIST doctoral
program and select potential doctoral students. Participants who are eventually selected will be invited to
the online discussion program with members from laboratory which students wish to join in after their
enrollment. Also hopefully, if the situation allows, we would like to invite them to the internship program
with the financial support before their enrollment.( Internship and its period will be considered with and
depend on the situation.)
Participants who are eventually selected will be admitted to NAIST in October 2021 without any further
examination. Some excellent participants may be selected for scholarships. The selection is based on
this whole program.
At a time of global pandemic, understanding the immunological mechanisms driving the host
response to viruses and pathogens, and designing strategies to manipulate them is of utmost
importance. The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands) has a long
tradition of multidisciplinary pioneering research in immunology. Within the LUMC Immunity,
Infection and Tolerance research area*, a series of online lectures will be given during one
week aimed at providing insights into the latest developments in the two emerging fields of
Chemical Immunology and Immunometabolism.
Webinar Series KMPK UGM Agustus 2020
Webinar series ini merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan diskusi dan seminar ilmiah yang diadakan oleh KMPK Universitas Gadjah Mada. Webinar ini akan diadakan beberapa kali selama semester ganjil. Pada minggu ini akan diadakan dua kali, kamis, 13 Agustus 2020 dan sabtu, 15 Agustus 2020 pada pukul 09.00-11.30 wib.
Untuk hari pertama mengusung tema Komputasi pada Material Katalis, dengan pembicara Dosen Muda Kimia Fisik UGM bapak Dr. Aulia Sukma Hutama, M.Si, beliau akan menjelaskan pengenalan komputasi untuk pemodelan material katalis dan seminar hasil penelitian beliau terkait pemodelan material katalis dengan komputasi dan manfaatnya. Pentingnya pengetahuan terkait pemodelan material katalis menggunakan komputasi menjadi salah satu pengembangan teknologi dibidang kimia atom, sehingga kita dapat merancang bentuk struktur katalis dengan sifat yang kita inginkan dan memiliki kapasitas yang cukup besar. Untuk moderatornya adalah alumnus AIC-UGM yang akan wisuda tahun ini yaitu mas Adi Tiara Zikri, M.Sc., beliau juga berpengalaman dibidang komputasi.
Selama tanggap darurat Covid-19, para mahasiswa S1, S2, dan S3 yang ingin mengajukan surat keterangan bebas lab S2/S3 diharapkan menghubungi teknisi Sdr Herwin Sunarto.
Sehubungan dengan penyebaran Coronavirus, dan untuk membantu pemerintah dalam manajemen penyebaran penyakit tersebut, Ujian Tulis Masuk Program Studi Magister Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Gadjah Mada ditiadakan. Seleksi akan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kuota dan memperhatikan prestasi akademik calon mahasiswa di program sarjana. Berikut ini adalah kriteria seleksi:
(1) Asal Program Sarjana
(2) IPK Program Sarjana
(3) Lama studi Program Sarjana
(4) Akreditasi BAN-PT Program Sarjana
(5) Akreditasi institusi BAN-PT perguruan tinggi asal
Hiroshima Sakura Program 2020
Call for application
Hokkaido University, UGM and 6 other South Asia Universities will have the PARE Summer School 2020, in July 2020.
The PARE Summer School 2020 will be enrolled in a scheme of Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI 2020) same as HSI 2019 held last summer. Through HSI, applicants will get benefit from easier access to visa application and to booking dormitory.
As mentioned below, we are planning to offer scholarship to 4 candidates per each consortium university, so we would like to at least call for applications of 4 students.